Windows 7 is handy, but often the designers overthought what some users might want.
An example is the automatic window resizing and docking feature.
This means that when working with a window, if the user accidentally moves the window to the upper right hand corner, that the window will suddenly fill the entire screen. Or, if the user accidentally moves the window to the right, the window will stay there and take up half the screen.
Some users life this feature; other users find it distracting.
The directions by Rick Broida for PC World show that it's easy to turn this feature on and off.
He notes that the The difficulty is finding where. The answer is the mouse.
Here are the directions, though the articles in the resources explains the process fairly smoothly.
"1. Click Start, type Ease, then click Ease of Access Center.
2. Scroll down a bit and click Make the mouse easier to use.
3. Scroll down to and enable the last checkbox in that window: Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen.
4. Click OK..."
"Turn Off Automatic Window Resizing and Docking in Windows 7,"
By Rick Broida. PC World. Feb. 21, 2011.
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