Saturday, November 3, 2012

Microsoft Word : How To Turn Off Auto Format

Microsoft Word has many automatic format features. For people working with certain composition guidelines, including legal formatting, you can adjust or turn off the autoformat for more efficient document production.

"How to Turn Off Autoformat."

Microsoft Word Defaults for Fonts and Spacings

If you are using Word, you may want to change the default settings for font, line spacing, and paragraph spacing. Here are some directions for ensuring that your document is ready to go with the fonts, line spacings, and paragraphs spacings you want.

"How to Change the Default Font and Line Spacing in Word 2007 and 2010."

"In Word 2007 & 2010 the default fonts have changed from Times New Roman 12 point and Arial 12 point to Cambria 11 point and Calibri 11 point respectively. Here is how you change the default settings:"

Websites : How To Create a Website by Lisa Irby

"The 2 Create a Website Blog." By Lisa Irby. This site offers a how-to approach to building a website. There are also troubleshooting discussions.